Trader Cafe - Specialty Coffee in Birmingham

We are an independent Coffee Shop, Coffee Roasters in Birmingham. We roast the coffee on premise. We like coffee. And we sell coffee. We want to share with you what we believe to be good, quality and price. If you like our coffee, we are exciting and encouraged. If you don't hate it, at least find us different (we should be), we are already very happy. ; )

Ceramic Coffee Drippers

Introducing coffee brewing methods and devices - Ceramic Coffee Dripper

Main purpose, good but not expensive. This issue we have - Ceramic Drippers

GOOD: Maintain good flavored hand-brewed coffee while keep temperature. Simple, minimal design.

BAD: More costly than plastic. Ceramic can be broken.

We sell in good price so above mentioned disadvantages do not exist ;)

#ceramicdripper #coffeedripper #specialtycoffee